- Serve as a children's snack - Ready in 10 minutes -
* uses up 1 eating-apple per child *
Gather together…
1 eating-apple per person.
2 tbsp runny honey / maple syrup (or you could use golden syrup although it is harder to brush on).
Serve with a selection from...
1 tbsp desiccated coconut.
1 tbsp sesame seeds.
1 small handful of crushed-up branflakes / cornflakes.
1 tbsp chopped nuts (check for nut allergies).
1 crushed-up biscuit.
1 tbsp hundreds-and-thousands decorations.
1 tbsp crushed-up dried banana chips.
Get assembling…
1. Set out the dry toppings in an empty muffin tin / in small bowls.
2. Put the runny honey / maple syrup in a bowl, provide a silicone pastry brush / teaspoon to spread it with.
3. Just before serving, cut up each apple into 8 wedges (remove the core and seeds).
4. Skewer a piece of apple onto the handle of a teaspoon (you could use a toothpick but I prefer the re-usable option).
5. Demonstrate how to first brush the apple with the honey / syrup to coat it, then to dip it into a topping.
6. Stand back and watch the mess unfold and the children eat more apple than they would usually!
Adapted from this Pink Lady apple recipe.