Step 6 - Gradually learn to wash your hair less often.
Start off by giving your hair one ‘recovery’ day between washes. Start in this gradual way, as to the 'daily hair washer' the horrible feeling of waking up with bed-hair and not washing it takes some will-power. Dry shampoo will really help. Gradually you get used to the feeling of a little extra weight (the weight of grease I suppose, yuck!) and when that acceptance happens then stretch to two hair ‘recovery’ days.
After 1 to 2 months of washing hair less frequently (with gentler products and drying more gently) your hair will stop its oil-overdrive as it realises that you are no longer washing out all of the natural oils daily. Hurrah! It was all worth it! Then you will be able to wash it just 2 or 3 times a week, or less, with the help of dry shampoo, of course.
In the early days, when you are struggling to break your old daily-hair-washing habit, remember that there are three major benefits to sticking with the 'wash your hair much, much less' plan: One is obviously less stressed hair, two is less stressed you - it is fantastic to join those relaxed people who don't have to wash their hair and dry it every morning - just think how much extra time you get back. I am living proof that even people with very fine hair can achieve this. Benefit three is less stressed finances as your hair care bill (and hairdrying-related electricity bill) will more than halve. Win, win, win!