We are keeping track of our outside time using the beautiful 1000 Hours Outside 'tracker' poster.
Being outside can be made a more regular thing in your life, for example...
* walk / cycle / scoot to school or work (all the way or park up part-way and walk the rest).
* go for a daily walk after lunch (even 5 minutes will make you and your digestion feel better).
* take up an outdoor sport which requires you to attend weekly (running club, football practice, nordic walking, golf, fishing, horse riding etc).
* have summer-evening picnics in the garden / park instead of always eating at the dinner table.
* go litter picking.
* solve a mystery whilst out walking by downloading a £10 Treasure Trail, you can also get them sent to you and they make excellent birthday gifts.
* take up landscape sketching / painting.
* become a regular volunteer at a community garden.
* participate in a year-long photography challenge with a focus on snapping pictures of nature.
* go along to tree planting events whenever they are happening near you.
* offer to walk a dog for an elderly friend or neighbour.
* find your local (free) orienteering routes courtesy of British Orienteering - there are discreet markers permanently dotted around many parks and you follow an online map / printed out map, to complete the course that suits you.
* organise friend / family catch-ups out in nature - you can always end up in a cafe afterwards!
Being outside; lifts your spirits, can boost your exercise levels, makes you more aware of nature (and more likely to care for it), gets you away from electricity-guzzling activities (screens) and gives you opportunities to meet other out-and-about people.
Why not start keeping track of your outside time and see if it makes a difference?